[SLST Seminar] Nigrostriatal dopamine pathway regulates auditory behaviors

ON2024-01-23TAG: ShanghaiTech UniversityCATEGORY: Lecture

Topic: Nigrostriatal dopamine pathway regulates auditory behaviors

Speaker: Associate Professor XIONG Qiaojie, Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, State University of New York at Stony Brook (SBU)

Date and time: 10:00–11:30, January 26

Venue: Tencent Meeting

Meeting ID: 846 953 135

Host: YANG Yang


The  auditory striatum, the tail portion of dorsal striatum in basal  ganglia, is implicated in perceptual decision-making, transforming  auditory stimuli to action outcomes. Despite its known connections to  diverse neurological conditions, the dopaminergic modulation of sensory  striatal neuronal activity and its behavioral influences remain unknown.  We use mouse model to delineate the roles of nigrostriatal dopamine in  sensory-guided behaviors and the underlying circuit mechanisms. Using in vivo Ca2+  imaging and opto-/chemo-genetic approaches, we demonstrated that the  midbrain dopaminergic projections to the auditory striatum actively  modulate sensory coding during reinforcement learning and  decision-making.


  • Associate Professor, Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, SUNY Stony Brook (2021–present)

  • Assistant Professor, Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, SUNY Stony Brook (2015–2021)

  • Postdoctoral fellow, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (2008–2015)

  • PhD, Department of Physiology, Johns Hopkins University (2008)